Untamed Images Blog

    Adventures in Nature Photography

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    A female cheetah poses cooperatively during a rain shower in Kenya's Olare Orok Conservancy located just outside the Maasai Mara.

    Canon EOS-1D Mark IV, EF500mm f/4L IS USM at 500 mm, 1/500 sec at f/4, ISO 1600

    Admittedly, it has taken me far too long, but I have finally posted an image gallery from a trip to Southern Kenya that Alison and I took several years ago. The game viewing we experienced on this trip was nothing short of spectacular. We saw multiple river crossings by massive herds of wildebeest and zebra, predation by crocodiles, lions mating, lions with cubs, countless cheetahs with cubs, and brilliant sunsets, to name just a few of the highlights.

    I hope you enjoy viewing the pictures. Please click here to see the gallery. As always, I welcome your questions and comments.

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    The Grevy's Zebra, pictured here, is a endangered species of zebra found only in Northern Kenya and in small pockets within Ethiopia.

    Canon EOS-1D Mark IV, EF500mm f/4L IS USM +1.4x at 700 mm, 1/1600 sec at f/8, ISO 400

    True confession: My latest image gallery comprising pictures from Northern Kenya has been online for a while, but until now I neglected to announce its debut on this blog. So, better late than never, right?

    The gallery includes images of such Northern Kenya specialties as Grevy’s zebra, reticulated giraffe, and Somali ostrich. The gallery also features both black and white rhinos, cheetahs, and lions.

    You can see the entire gallery here.

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    A Manta Ray makes a close pass at a dive site appropriately named "Manta Alley" within Komodo National Park.

    Canon EOS 5D, EF16-35mm f/2.8L USM at 16mm, 1/250 sec at f/10, ISO 200, Dual Ikelite Substrobes

    I have just published a new image gallery with photographs from my June trip to Komodo National Park in Indonesia. The primary objective of the trip was to photograph the beautiful reefs and diverse marine life of Komodo, but I also managed to capture a number of landscape images and portraits of local villagers that I think are worth sharing. Oh, and there are several photographs of the dreaded Komodo Dragon in the gallery, too!

    Please click the following link to go to the gallery: Komodo Gallery

    As always, I’m eager to hear your feedback.

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    Canon EOS-1D Mark IV, EF24-70mm f/2.8L USM at 70 mm, 1/640 sec at f/5.6, ISO 1600

    I have just added a new gallery to my website featuring more than two dozen images of mountain gorillas that I took in Rwanda this past August. You can see the gallery by clicking on the following link: Gorillas Gallery.

    The image above is included in the new gallery and is one of my favorites. These two young gorillas entertained me and my fellow trekkers as they tussled with one another in a prolonged wrestling match. I’m afraid the expressions on their faces make it look like their interaction was a violent one, but it was in fact just good-natured play that they both seemed to enjoy thoroughly.

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    First, let me welcome you to my new blog. If you are reading this post you are joining me at the very beginning. My name is Michael Pollack and my nature photography business is called Untamed Images. You can read more about me here http://untamedimages.com/about.

    The main purpose of this blog will be to serve as a vehicle for sharing my photographs. In the past, I have shared groups of images in galleries on my website at http://untamedimages.com/galleries. In these galleries, I often present batches of photographs from a trip to a photographic destination, but I also have themed galleries such as “Birds” and “Landscapes”. I periodically add to these themed galleries, but before starting this blog I lacked a convenient way of informing my followers of new work added to existing galleries. I will still add new galleries periodically, but with this blog I will be able to highlight individual images that I feel are worth sharing.

    I also intend to use this blog occasionally to share my thoughts regarding tools of the trade for photographers. Whether it’s a new piece of camera gear, or an photo-specific software application, I will be writing unbiased evaluations of the equipment that I employ in the field and in the digital darkroom.

    As readers of this blog you have the ability to comment on my posts. I hope you take advantage of that functionality and regularly share your thoughts with me.


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